Read All About It!
October 2014 Doesn't it always seem like before you know it another month has gone by? I hate to rush through the rest of this year, to...

Season of Change
September 2014 Happy Fall lovely followers! It is my favorite time of the year.. the leaves are changing, the weather is getting colder...

Mother of Dragons
August 2014 Well that seemed fast! Summer is ... lets just go ahead and say, officially over. It seems like every time I update I always...

Taking The Show on The Road
July 2014 After a great first open house at my studio, things are finally winding down again and I can just work on creating new artwork...

D'ART and Beyond
June 2014 Wow.. so much has been happening in the last month that once agin I am caught catching my breathe. Pretty soon I will have to...

May 2014 For the last month and a half I have been so insanely busy I didn't even have a chance to write an update for April. So I will...

A Beautiful Life
March 2014 February ended on a sad note with the sudden passing of my sweet doggie Tiko. Those of you that follow me on social media know...

Best Month of the Year
February 2014 Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! February has always been one of my favorite months. Not only because my...

A New Day!
January 2014 Welcome to my brand new website! I hope you enjoy the beautiful new layout! 2013 was such a big year for me. I got married...